1) Display the Beautiful Blogger award on your blog
2) Announce your win in a post and link back to the blogger who awarded you with it
3) Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
4) Drop them a comment on their site/blog to let them know you awarded them
5) Post seven interesting things about yourself

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Soo, here goes with the blogs:
A Wordless Blogger
Raising 5 Kids with Disabilities and Remaining Sane
The Librarian Who Doesn't Say "Shhh"
"Read it, Daddy!"
A Year of Reading
Dalton's Drivel
Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books
What Danielle Did Next
Pain and Triumphs - this is my best friend's blog. She's only written one post so far but she always gets a mention from me!
Words, Pages and Books
Kid Lit Frenzy
Mother Daughter Book Reviews
Boys Read
Readful Things
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Interesting is such a subjective term and I am just a 'normal' person, but I'll try my best!
1) I have a PADI qualification to scuba dive up to 12m.
2) I can't watch 3D films as I'm blind in one eye.
3) When I was 13, a poem I wrote won a Harry Potter competition - I got a signed copy of the first Harry Potter book, as well as seeing the first film in Leicester Square cinema.
4) I love family history and, at one point linked myself to William the Conqueror! I've since deleted loads to make sure everything's accurate though.
5) As a child, my dad once threatened to make me sleep in the garage because he caught me reading when I should have been sleeping... again!
6) I surprise people with my sense of humour - they expect me to be quite boring/innocent, but I've been told I have a very dirty laugh!
7) I tend to drive my family and closest friends wild because I hum a lot. I have got a lot better though, in my defence!
[...] nomination came from the lovely Ms. Nose in a Book and the second came from the equally lovely A World of Words. Be sure to check them out! Many thanks to both of these amazing bloggers that are made of [...]